Saturday, July 4, 2015

Owner Meltdown!

Paul stated he was going to come and talk with us in person but he never called, so I called him. He then said he could be over in 5 mins. 

I went to wait outside and he showed up about 15 mins later with another guy. He immediately asked me if I had removed my reviews, which made me feel so cared for...NOT! 

Then he attempted to write me off with a $40 check to replace my towels and fan..he didn't say anything about my child. Didn't even ask how he was. 

Then he once again stated.."whatever his allergies may be" and "There was cat hair around". I've had my eldest cat since before I was married and long before I had my child. My child has grown up with these Cats. He isn't allergic to cats, that much we know. He then stated that they were within regulations when they sprayed. They may have sprayed how they were supposed to legally but they did so without anyone's knowledge because remember my Property Manager said they hadn't sprayed. 

Basically he wrote my son's suffering off completely. I then brought up the fact that it took me talking to the Lance the Manager for me to get the info about the spray. Paul stated that Toby the Tech had the paperwork in his vehicle. So that just proves that had I not be a squeaky wheel and wrote my review I would never have been brought the info by Toby. After all the only thing he needed to do was walk back out to his truck and grab it. 

Paul continued to attempt to push the $40 check at us even though I told him our main issue had always been our son not our Towels!! Which is why I didn't even put up a negative review until after the lack luster reaction to our son's health issues. Yes it is a piece to the puzzle(which shows how big the lack of care for people the company has) but it is not the main point. 

My husband told Paul that our son deserves compensation for his suffering as well as us compensation for medical bills because we had no idea that they would be spraying chemicals. Paul then stated that we had kept him from contacting our son's doctor about this and that we were flat out LYING about our Son. 

He was yelling at my Husband that we were lying and that they won't treat our apartment again. 

This was their response to my review after my meeting with Paul: (they have since removed it from their facebook perhaps he realized he was in the wrong?).  They expect me to subject my 7 yr old to unnecessary medical testing to appease his desire to prove me a liar. I don't even believe they can test for allergies against pesticides but I could be wrong. We have a message into his doctor to see what her thoughts are. Though I know she will say there is no way she can guarantee that he won't have a reaction to another pesticide. Prime claimed that have an eco friendly green product they can use...especially since we still have no signs of bed bugs. 

        Kasondra Iarussi This is their response to my review tonight: "Prime Pest Control On Tuesday Prime Pest Control hired a professional cleaning company with two ladies to thoroughly clean the Iarussi's apartment. They felt like we didn't put their house back together properly so we had it cleaned professionally. They cleaned all of the baseboards where our product was put down. Having the house thoroughly cleaned will only help their son's situation, whatever his allergies might be. We have requested to speak with their child's doctor but they refuse to give us any information. We do not want to treat in their apartment again without the child's doctor letting us know exactly what he is allergic to."

We may not have bed bugs but the older gentleman downstairs who requires a home health aide does still. The home aide is unable to come due to the infestation and the man has a wound that needs constant care. We have taken him twice to the doctor and will be taking them again this weekend. He apparently has been getting bed bugs IN his wound. I informed Paul that he still has his bed bug infested bed and is sleeping on the floor. He cannot get rid of the bed himself. That it would be a great idea for Prime to help him out as they can dispose of it properly as well. He said he would talk to his manager Lance but shockingly the man still has no help. Our property management has failed him as well.

Our son is still suffering from new hives each day and it has been two weeks since they sprayed. 

Your 7 yr old can sleep on the floor

After discussing the issues with Lance(manager) we settled on a plan to retreat the apartment on 6/26/15 on the condition that Prime pay for a hotel room for us and our cats. Giving us the ability to keep our son out of the apartment for an extended time while they treated with a different product. Our son was still have hives appear even though we were treating him with benadryl and the individual areas with hydrocortizone cream.

Friday came and when we went to check into our hotel they booked us 3 a room with ONE bed. Not only was our son suffering from horrible itching and uncomfortable hives all over(his torso, legs, arms) he was now expected to what..sleep on the floor?

We called Prime told them we couldn't be out of the house and they couldn't get another room because of a large event going on in the city that day.

Our son continued to have reactions all weekend long. We headed back to the doctor that Monday(6/29/15) and he was given another medication to attempt to control the hives. His doctor informed us that with children the hives can last for weeks after the initial exposure even without continued exposure. Again we took our son home hoping that he would find relief.

Prime hired a cleaning company to come in and supposedly clean up our apartment. They did clean our kitchen and bathroom. But all they did in my Son's room(which was our main concern) and in the other areas was vacuum our wood floors. They claimed they wiped down the baseboards.

We were contacted next by Paul the Owner of Prime Pest Control. He stated several times that if we wanted to move forward we needed to take down our negative reviews. Something I would have gladly done AFTER the remedied the situation. He then insinuated that I was lying about the cause of my son's reaction stating..."Whatever his allergies may be".  I called him out on it and he seemed to calm down and said he would be over in the morning to meet with us.

Still our son continued to suffer from more and more hives. We switched to Calamine lotion hoping to get better relief from the itching.

More then a week after his exposure. Hives with Calamine lotion to ease the itching.

Uninformed Chemical Warfare

We were informed only few days before(on 6/16/15) that our property management(Anzac Properties) had hired Prime Pest Control in Spokane WA to do a heat treatment on our entire complex(one large building split with two separate entrances) because there were bed bugs in the basement.  We live on the 2nd floor.

We received a sheet on 6/17/15 with information about Heat treatment and directions for what to leave in the apartment and what to remove. So we packed up what they said couldn't be heated, put my plants outside in front of our building where I thought they would be safe. Left some loose clothes in vented laundry baskets and left our beds the way they were because their directions didn't tell us any different. We came back to an apartment that looked like it had been burglarized. Our beds were turned over half hazard laying on our other items. Our clothes were thrown onto the floor. My son's room looked like a tornado had gone through it. Not only that but I found two of my expensive bath "sheets" on our bathroom floor soaking wet with God knows what. They didn't mention it to us just left the soaking wet towels on the floor in a very hot apartment. They were hanging up dry when we left. We also could smell chemicals and was informed they had sprayed some. Our plants had been literally thrown across the sidewalk/grass area. The items that were removed because they couldn't be heated were left outside unattended as well. our screens were not put back on correctly and I had to pick up isolation around my apartment left by them. My box fan had been damaged, either by being dropped or them dropping something else on it. When my husband first arrived they told him that he couldn't go in yet as they had sprayed. We were never told they would even possibly spray anything in our apartment. They also told us we had no signs of bed bugs at all.

Our 7 yr old son's room after the "heat treatment" 6/20/15
His clothes were in a vented laundry basket which should have been
fine for the heat treatment. They were thrown on his floor where they had sprayed.

That wasn't the worst of it though. As soon as we returned home our son started to develop what I first thought were mosquito bites from having the windows open to vent. Then he went to bed and woke up shortly after covered in red welts. I called my property manager, told him I didn't know what was going on. That I had looked for bed bugs and didn't see any and that I was taking my child into the ER on 6/23. I asked if anything was sprayed in my apartment and he said NO (even though all the paperwork we had gotten didn't say anything about spraying anything only that they would be doing a heat treatment).

ER doctor told us that the welts were hives from an allergic reaction and that it was getting worse due to continued exposure. The only thing that he could had been exposed to was this mystery spray. They doctor agreed that it was the most likely cause. I went home set my 7 year old boy to sleep in an army cot as his bed was obviously not safe. The next morning the Property "manager"/handyman came over with the Tech from Prime Pest Control that had been in our apartment. After I informed them both that my Son was having an allergic reaction to whatever spray they used Toby the Tech stated that "That has never happened before are you sure it isn't something else?" He didn't ask if my son was ok, he didn't apologize for the inconvenience, nothing. He also stated that they only sprayed by the door. I told him regardless of what he thought I needed the information on what chemicals were used so that I had it for my son's doctors as well as future reference for him. He told me he would bring it back for me. That was at 9:30 am. I washed everything in my Son's room that I could and we hoped for the best.

 It was late afternoon until I finally posted my review online about Prime pest after not hearing from them and not getting the paperwork. At around 4 pm a Manager(Lance) contacted me after seeing my review. He did give me a better feeling of actually attempting to care for my child and he brought me the info I had requested. He was NOT informed by Toby the Tech that we had complained about our son's reaction. We talked and I told him I would have my husband contact him as he stated they needed to do further treatments but would be able to use a different chemical(or a green product) to avoid issues with my son. He also informed me that no they didn't just spray at my doorway they sprayed all our baseboards, without our consent or even just our knowledge. His employee had lied right to my face!!
One affected area of our son on 6/23/15